A different conversation about sales

with Amber Hagberg

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Sales isn’t just a transaction.

Sales doesn’t start when someone DMS you or lands on the sales page.

Selling ISN’T what’s included or the price.... Journey with me into SELLING transformation like your business depends on it.. because it does.

It’s time to fall in love with selling and get so good your people say YESSSS I’m in.  Time and time again.

Do you want to....
See more sign ups every time you sell something

 Feel more confident behind every offer you create

 Be less attached to the response of others when they see the offer

You know... 
You’d have a bigger impact if you mastered the art of selling

You’d make WAY more money if you could sell without questioning yourself

You’d bring your vision to life if you understood NOT just the strategy behind sales but the energetics and embodiment of your work

If you've worked with me before -- 

you know I teach a lot about mindset, energetics, and embodiment and while that is key to making more sales this program is going to be VERY strategic.

I won't be like other other sales coaches who tell you that you need to say this or say that, I'm going to teach you how to say the thing that your dream soulmate client needs to hear in order for them to KNOW that this retreat, offer, or experience is EXACTLY what they need, and WHY they need it know.

Enter your email below, and get in before investment triples!! Just $197

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You're ready to *nail* talking about your offer online

You want to know how to navigate sales conversations AUTHENTICALLY

Without the ICKKKKY feeling of sales

A live coaching experience with Amber Starting beginning of September 3 live modules + 

1 Q&A - A coaching call with me which is normally $750 per call.  

Just $197 today!

  • Messaging and Marketing; WHAT YOU SAY on the sales page and HOW YOU SAY IT will determine whether people buy. I'm going to show you my exactly process going over several sales pages word for word.

  • NOT OVERCOMING OBJECTIONS: How to overcome objections like it's too expensive, right now I can't because xyz, maybe next time without attracting those types of people in your messaging and marketing. 
  • SOCIAL MEDIA; Let your marketing and messaging DO THE SALES FOR YOU. I'm going to show you HOW my organic and paid ads is designed to overcome objections, sell, and convert without sales calls or DMS. 
  • Conversations; For those who want to ask you questions or know more, I'm going to show you MY EXACT WORDING and HOW I talk to people interested so if they are a good fit they BUY RIGHT AWAY. 
  • Embodiment + Mindset; You can follow my proven to work sales strategy that brings me in 200+ sales a week but if you don't have these to dialed in - it won't work and I know it baby because that was me just 2 years ago... 

You are going to get step by step sales guidance from me whether you are selling yoga classes, luxurious 5 figure retreats, online coaching, or a freaking hamburger! ​

  • Total payment
  • 1xCash Convo's$97

All prices in USD

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal

  • What happens after payment?
    You will get an email and be directed to the FB group where the live coaching experience will take place.

    Dates will be announced on August 23th.
  • Is this program LIVE or prerecorded?
    This will be a LIVE program with Amber, dates soon to be announced.
  • How long do I have access to the program?
    30 days access.
  • Do you do refunds?
    We do not offer any refunds for live programs.
  • What if I cannot make it live?
    You will get 30 days access to watch the replays!